Identical twin Sally Bair writes about the symbiotic connection she shares with her sister Sandy. Sally considers their first eighteen years as the “we” years, since they were rarely apart. Yet as close as they were in looks and interests, they spent those years competing for—and trying to win the race for—the most food, the smartest grades, and the best in popularity. Her daring escapades, childhood fears, new life on the farm, and budding faith in God will bring a smile and perhaps a tear. She climbed the local water tower, received a beau’s expensive valentine, ran past a haunted house in the dark, and wrote her first book. She shared the heartaches of the stressful summer of 1951 when their barn burned, their aging grandparents visited, and their mom suffered a mental breakdown. Sally’s memoir is based on the Dick and Jane primary school reading books, the impetus that brought about her life-long love for reading and writing. A former journalist and ad copy writer, Sally received a B.S. degree in English and Journalism. She has won numerous awards for her writing. She has written a weekly devotional column for several publications since 2003. Her favorite pursuits include speaking to groups about writing and faith, and teaching memoir writing and Bible studies. Sally has three children, nine grand-children and four greats. She enjoys life in Wisconsin on the south shore of Lake Superior where she reads, writes, and communes with nature.
Run Sally Run by Sally Bair
Paperback. Published June 11, 2018 by Cedar Haven Books. Condition: LN. Memoir.