Earthworms by Dorothy Childs Hogner

Original price was: $43.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Wonderfully illustrated with black and white drawings, this book offers a vast amount of information on earthworms, all written at the level a young person will understand. It covers the anatomy, both outer and inner, of the earthworm, various environments, senses of the worms, digestion, food, castings and their importance, benefits they provide us, and the entire life cycle of the earthworm. The book also includes various projects which can be performed, simply and at home, and gives a great step-by-step account of how to raise your own worms, or, in other words, how to start your own worm farm!
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Hardcover. Published January 1, 1953 by Ty Crowell Co. Condition: Good. Nature / Gardening

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